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"A Window Will Be Open . . ."

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

December 4, 2023


“I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out all the blessings you need.


- Malachi 3:10b


During a church corporate fast in 2021, about three weeks before my mom died - before I knew she was sick again or how quickly I would lose her - I semi-awoke in the night to some deep, unknown place between sleep and wakefulness to hear, for the first time, my soul speaking to the Lord, and Him speaking back to me.


My soul said, "Holy Spirit, speak to me." He responded, "I am speaking to you. I have spoken to you. Keep it simple."


I had asked Him in desperation that night to give me guidance for a tricky situation with my then boss. And hearing this in audible voices shocked me to the point that I felt physically intoxicated at our corporate prayer the next evening.


After that, in the aftermath of the enemy's annihilation of my mom's life, I heard Him speaking to me repeatedly, and He showed up in ways that are difficult to express. Many of these encounters, and all of His words to me, I captured in my voice recorder, which are now stored in files in the "cloud," or in my journals.


One of those times, He said, "A window will be open as if peace was raining down from heaven."


I share this now because yesterday at church, I heard the verse from Malachi above for the first time. I was stunned, but then - He knows His word!


And peace? Not riches, wisdom, reputation, status, or wealth? He knew the blessing I would need.


Thank You, God. Who is man that You are even mindful of him? Truly, that You are says more about You than it does about us.

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